In a fitting tribute to Sadie, I ran a couple puppies and moved two grouse in the same woods that Sadie had her introduction to grouse. With the trees free of leaves and traces of snow on the ground, our outing was reflective of Sadie’s March birth and the 13 seasons we shared in pursuit of grouse, woodcock and pheasant together. As I watched the puppies bound, meander and play through the woodlot, I saw Sadie. At one point when they disappeared over a knoll, I envisioned Sadie’s silhouette. She was locked frozen on point. In standard fashion, her head was held high and proud, and her tail at 12. Her silhouette grew larger and larger to the size of a monumental statue only to burst at he patter of returning puppy feet. As I bent over to offer them an encouraging pet, I whispered "It’s ok Sadie, I’m right here."